I was instantly drawn to Les Brumes photostream on Flickr. Her images have a definate ambience to them and a dark eerieness. Maybe atmospheric is a better word (les brumes trasnlates into 'the fog'). Her work has been split into paper collage, scan, images (maybe translated wrong. Could be simply photo?) and black and white.
I love that her collage is clean. This might sound confusing but personally find it really difficult not to overcrowd collage (digital especially). She finds it easy to get a nice piece of paper and maybe lay two extra things on it. I like it because it focuses in on what is actually showed. I don't like calling things collage for some reason. Maybe it's because it instantly conjures an image of lonely middle-aged women who go to Hobbycraft and make pieces trying out whatever new product they've bought (usually a rubber stamps and glitter). For this reason I think her title 'Colles Et Papier' (Glue And Paper) is nice and suited because it rids of all the paint and shitty mess that can often choke a collage.
I think her pieces in the scan set are really something new. I've never really seen collage from a scanner and it really does give it an extra dimension. For some reason objects placed into scanners always remind me of filming under water. Weightless. I think this would be a really good thing for me to try with things other than paper. I'm so scared of using vintage paper and such that I never make work out of them. Using something that probably can't be used again is half the appeal when it's done right but I'm so scared of wasting a gem on a bad piece that I never dare, which makes me always do digital collage which are never never rewarding as something that's tangible.
Les Brumes' Imageries set seem to be more along the lines of digital collage. A hefty combination of everything else.
I find the Noir|Blanc set fascinating and disturbing at the same time. I love the tiny details and scratches in each picture. The blurs and slow shutter speed trails are so perfectly placed especially on those that have faces.
All in all a good varied few sets with a similar 'style'. Go add her.
Links: Les Brumes Photostream
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